Chief Minsiter Pu Zoramthanga hova council of minister vawiina thutkhawmnaah Covid-19 donaa hman tur petrol leh diesel atanga Cess lak emaw, VAT rate tih san emaw rawtna a tlang lo.


Taxation Dept atangin Covid-19 dona tura Petrol leh Diesel atanga cess lak emaw, VAT lak mekah a rate tih san emaw rawtna hi a lut a, tun dinhmunah Petrol ah VAT 20% lak a ni a, Diesel ah 12% lak mek a ni a. Hei hi 4% ve ve-a tihsan rawtna Taxation Dept atangin a lut a ni.

Council of Ministers meeting ah hian department pakua atanga ngaihtuah tur an thehluh zingah DP&AR atanga The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2019 leh Draft Mizoram Civil Services (Combined Competitive Examination) Rules, 2020 te chu pawm a ni a, Chhimphei Group YMA Building sakna atana PWD ram dilna te; Forest Department in “Classification of Trees / Timber and Royalty Rates for Various Forest Produce in Mizoram” ennawn tura a dilna te; The Aizawl Municipal Corporation (Control of Parking and Collection of Parking Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2019, UD&PA atanga lut te, UGC Regulations, 2018 anga MCON teaching staff te nomenclature leh hlawh siamthat te; SCERT restructuring atana School Education atanga rawtna te an pawm zingah a tel a ni.

Council of Minister meeting ah hian COVID-19 do chungchanga hmalaknate sawiho ni a, fimkhur tura inzirtirna neih chhunzawm zel tul an tih thu sawilan a ni.